The OM Issued Its Founder's Manifesto

Amman: The eighth Book of the critic, novelist and translator Tayseer Nazmi was issued in a series of Originality Movement issues (OM,founded in 1996 ) and has had the headline "Manifesto 2004" in 120 pages of medium size with a cover of its drawings and design—by the author himself,as he used to since his first book "Quest For An Area" which had been issued 1979 in Kuwait. Unexpectedly the OM in her new book presented controversial intellectual, cultural and political topics after publishing the author's novel last year, when it released the first version of a paper edition carried the title "MagicNight's Chronicle in Wadi Rum", the OM issued also "The Man Of Snow" ,in 2015  in Kuwait . The title "Snowman" was combined with short stories and a short novel that bore the title of the book. "Manifisto 2004" included intellectual, cultural and political studies of the critic, including his participation in the Conference of the World Literature Critics Association, which was written and published in English in 2007 after T. Nazmi was unable to leave Jordan for France to participate in the "spirit of resistance in Literature" conference held in the City of Tours' university in October 19-20-2007 at Guin Hotel .The Manifisto also included "Towards a different Palestinian cultural discourse" and "Arab intellectuals: from historical disruption to historical collapse and a systematic message from Nazmi to the most prominent historian Ilan Pape at Haifa University--left for London in 2007--after the leftist author of the "Genocide" was separated from the history department of Haifa University. Nazmi's Manifisto also included a sharp critique of the Jordanian Culture and Arts Futures Conference, which was held in early June of 2004, following Nazmi's resignation from the ministry of education in Jordan. The front cover panel of the new book was the share of the Spanish juror Isabel Miramontes.


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