
عرض المشاركات من يناير 13, 2014

شارون كان يخطط لما هو أبعد من غزة - الإنسحاب من الضفة ! حسب الوثائق المتسربة

Sharon was planning diplomatic moves beyond Gaza, leaked documents reveal U.S. cables, Palestinian papers quote then-Israeli prime minister eyeing negotiated withdrawals from West Bank . By Barak Ravid | Jan. 13, 2014 | 12:17 AM |   3 Ever since Ariel Sharon sank into a coma eight years ago, many have wondered whether he would have taken the peace process with the Palestinians any further after the 2005 withdrawal from Gaza . A series of cables from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to the State Department that were leaked to Wikileaks show that in fact, even before the Gaza withdrawal, Sharon was planning his next big diplomatic move. Moreover, leaked Palestinian documents show that after Yasser Arafat’s death in November 2004, and even more so once Mahmoud Abbas was elected Palestinian president the following January, Sharon made efforts to coordinate the Gaza withdrawal with the Palestinian Authority . The disengagement plan was approved by the Knesset on Octob...