
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر 29, 2012

الواشنطن بوست: المجموعة الجهادية تزدهر في سورية/قطر حظيت بموافقة اسرائيلية قبل زيارة أميرها لغزة

Jackson Diehl Deputy Editorial Page Editor A jihadist group prospers in Syria By   Jackson Diehl ,   Monday, October 29 For more than a year, the Obama administration has been assuring the world that the downfall of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is “ a matter of time .” Yes, its own Middle East experts warned, but how much time matters. The longer the fighting goes on, they said, the more likely it is that what began as a peaceful mass opposition movement would be hijacked by extremists , including allies of al-Qaeda. President Obama ignored that advice, ruling out measures that could have quickly brought down the regime — such as a no-fly zone — in favor of a year of feckless diplomacy. But it turned out the experts were right. So now the consequence of Obama’s passivity has a name, one that will surely haunt the occupant of the White House in 2013:   Jabhat al-Nusra . Actually, the full name of the Middle East’s latest jihadist terror mo...