
عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر 2, 2012

المسرحية متعددة اللغات والثقافات التي كتبها تيسير نظمي عام 2000 ج1-3

Originality Movement حـــــــــركة إبــــــــداع أنت الزائر رقم: Theatre Chat Room 50’s A Multilingual Play By : Tayseer Nazmi Zorba enters chat room 50’s Zorba : Fairuz says: Ya Jabal Lebeeeeeeeeeed Khalfak Habayebna …(music) hey folk Hi all of you 69 Hi all 67 users (image of beer) Cheers those Wanna drink, dance, (music) who wanna dance , fun who wanna Laugh, just discovered that I sent a passionate email of pure hot Love with very emotional and 6ual expressions to a lady who chatted 6ually also with me yesterday and sent me a reply message today saying just “ I AM A MAN “ I on my turn replied : And I am SORRY “ hehehe. Again I assure you that I am still A MAN 49 years old. You can make sure of that by referring to my profile in which you’ll see my smiling face and a second pic, which shows a wanted face to the FBI I am afraid . Hehehe dadadadad didi dododidi music am dancing.woooooo Greeneye...