
عرض المشاركات من يناير 14, 2014

If talks fail, Abbas will turn to United Nations with unilateral actions

Palestinians mull plan for day after breakdown in peace talks If talks fail, Abbas will turn to United Nations with unilateral actions, official tells Haaretz. By Jack Khoury           | Jan. 14, 2014 | 1:09 PM |   12 The Palestinian leadership met on Monday night to discuss scenarios in the event of a breakdown of talks with Israel, Haaretz has learned. A senior Palestinian official said Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is intent on keeping to the timeframe allocated for the talks, but in the event that a deal is not reached,  which could include an agreement to extend the deadline,  the Palestinian leadership will have no option but to turn to  unilateral actions at the United Nations . In a speech in Ramallah on Saturday, Abbas said the negotiations are limited to nine months, after which the Palestinians are free of any obligations, hinting at the  Palestinian promise not to pursue further ...