
عرض المشاركات من أبريل 5, 2018

د. أمنية أمين ترجمت قصة لتيسير نظمي فدفعت الثمن !

القاص الروائي والناقد تيسير نظمي  الدكتورة أمنية أمين - رئيسة قسم اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها السابقة في جامعة فيلادلفيا ي الأردن  An idea, Two Drunkards and A Door (One short story in 5 parts,by Tayseer Nazmi . Translated by Dr. Omnia Amin) At Night without the Night The two drunkards, the owner of the house and his friend suddenly became aware. It was an hour after the people entered their house and they greeted themselves.It was after they went to the kitchen and ate what food remained from dinner: Lentils, bread, onions and garlic. After that they served themselves cheap arak and then they excused themselves politely as one of them took the new tape of Fairuz's songs and left. In this manner they both became aware of the question. After a long silence in which they thought , drank and listened to songs, one of them said to the other: " Will they come back to continue the night with us?" The other said: "I don't know". Th...