
عرض المشاركات من مارس 10, 2013

اللاجئون السوريون قد يرتفع عددهم لثلاثة ملايين لاجئ

Syrian refugees could triple to 3m Syria could become world's worst refugee problem area, warns UN high commissioner Share 103 in Share 3 Email Staff and agencies guardian.co.uk ,  Sunday 10 March 2013 11.48 GMT A Syrian woman carries her child from a tent fire at Zattari refugee camp on the Syria-Jordan border. Photograph: Chen Chunxiang/Corbis The number of  refugees  from the Syrian conflict, which topped 1 million last week, could triple by the end of the year if it continues at the current rate, the UN's refugee chief said on Sunday. "If this escalation goes on, we will have – and nothing happens to solve the problem – we might have in the end of the year a much larger number of refugees, two or three times the present level," the UN high commissioner for refugees, António Guterres, told reporters in Ankara. If his worst forecast comes true, it would make  Syria  the world's biggest refugee problem area, ahead of A...

Obama's new approach to Mideast peace: Israel and Palestinians must lead, not the U.S.

Obama's new approach to Mideast peace: Israel and Palestinians must lead, not the U.S. Fed up with banging their heads against a wall, the Americans have sobered up over the influence they can have in Israeli-Palestinian talks − now they want the two sides to take action, rather than expecting the U.S. to take the reins. Expectations for President Obama’s visit here have been adjusted accordingly. By   Barak Ravid |   Mar.10, 2013 For the past month the White House has been lowering expectations regarding U.S. President   Barack Obama ’s upcoming visit to   Jerusalem   and Ramallah. Among other things, there will be no announcement of a new peace plan, no pressure to renew negotiations, and no attempt to arrange a three-way meeting between the president, Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu   and   Palestinian Authority   President   Mahmoud Abbas . Senior U.S. administration officials have described the planned private ...

زوربا يفضح النظام الأردني وما يسمى المعارضة واليسار بصور ثلاث

Zorba Nazmius لكي تفهم ما يسمى باليسار في الأردن عليك أولا المقارنة بين الصورتين وملاحظة حقيبة سوداء لم ينتبه الأردن لكل معانيها وعندما تنجح المقارنة تعرف حجم التمييز العنصري حتى في المعارضة الأردنية Zorba Nazmius   حتى الحزب الشيوعي الأردني تحول لحزب ديمقراطي مسيحي ليست الطائفية والعنصرية ببعيدة عنه وان حاول تغطيتها بالأيدولوجيا فالتفرقة بين كاتبي للقصة أحدهما مبتدئ قائمة على قدم وساق كما هو الحال في الدولة الأردنية التي تأسست ببسطار جلوب باشا 2 minutes ago  ·  Like