
عرض المشاركات من يونيو 11, 2012

حضور برلماني وإعلامي في خيمة احتجاج الفنانين والكتاب JAS Tent Protest

من اليمين رئيس جمعية المواقع الالكترونية شاكر الجوهري و مدير عام حركة ابداع تيسير نظمي و النائب بسام حدادين 25/8/2004 Artists, Film Makers and Ministers on Solidarity Hunger Strike With Palestinian Prisoners The International Press Center (IPC) August 25, 2004 About 75 Palestinians, including artists, film makers and ministers, joined the solidarity tent pitched just outside the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) building in Gaza City, as they went through their third day of open hunger strike in solidarity with 7200 Palestinian prisoners who entered their tenth day of such a strike inside Israeli jails and concentration camps . Inside the hunger-strikers' tent, and laying on his bed, Fayeq Jarada, a Palestinian film maker, said that he went on this solidarity hunger strike on behalf of the Association of Palestinian Film Makers for Cinema and Television, in order to shed some light on the suffering and struggle of the Palestinian prisoners . " Our hu...