عرب خانوا غزة ويتمنون سحق المقاومة الفلسطينية Why Arabs Betrayed Gaza
Arabs Betrayed Gaza
Arabs wish to see Israel crush any semblance of Palestinian resistance.
Ramzy Baroud
August 28, 2014 "ICH" -
Ask any Arab ruler, and they will tell you of
the great sacrifices their countries have made for Palestine and the
Palestinians. However, both history and present reality are testaments, not
only to Arab failure to live up to the role expected of them and stand in
solidarity with their own oppressed brethren, but also to the official Arab
betrayal of the Palestinian cause. The current war on Gaza, and the dubious
role played by Egypt in the ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel are cases
in point.
Read this comments by Aaron David
Miller, a scholar at the Wilson Center in Washington to appreciate the depth of
the unmistakable Arab betrayal. “I have never seen a situation like it, where
you have so many Arab states acquiescing in the death and destruction in Gaza
and the pummeling of Hamas,” Miller told the New York Times. “The silence is
Miller explains Arab silence in
relations to their loathing of political Islam which rose to prominence
following the so-called Arab Spring. Such rise saw the advent of movements like
the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and al-Nahda in Tunisia to the centers of
power. The ‘Arab Spring’ challenged and, at least temporarily, disabled the
hegemony over power by corruption-ridden, pro-western Arab elites, unleashing
the energies of civil societies that have been historically marginalized.
Political Islam, especially that
which is affiliated with moderate Islamic ideology known as al-Wasatiyyah
(roughly translated as ‘moderation’) swept-up the votes in several democratic
elections. Like Hamas’s victory in the Palestinian elections in 2006, other
such Islamic movements followed suit the moment the ‘Arab Spring’ pushed open a
small margin for democracy and freedom of expression.
The danger of political Islamic
movements that don’t adhere to an extremist ideology like that of the Islamic
State (IS) and al-Qaeda, for example, is that they are not easy to dismiss as
‘extremists,’ ‘terrorists’, and such. At times, in fact, often, they seem much
more inclined to play the democratic game than self-proclaimed Arab
‘secularist’, ‘liberal’ and ‘socialist’ movements.
Israel’s most recent war on Gaza,
starting on July 7, came at a time that political Islam was being routed out in
Egypt and criminalized in other Arab countries. It was the first major Israeli
military attack on Gaza since the ousting of democratically-elected Muslim
Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi on July 3, 2013. Although the Israeli war
morphed in the course of a few days to that of a genocide (thousands killed,
thousands wounded, and nearly fourth of the Gazan population made homeless),
most Arab countries remained mostly silent. They mouthed-off some random
condemnations that meant so very little. Egypt, however, went even further.
Soon after the Israeli war ‘Operation
Protective Edge’ began, Egypt proposed a most suspicious ceasefire, one that
even the Times found peculiar. “The government in Cairo .. surprised Hamas by
publicly proposing a cease-fire agreement that met most of Israel’s demands and
none from the Palestinian group (Hamas),” wrote David Kirkpatrick on July 30.
Hamas, the main Palestinian party in the conflict, which is also declared by
Egypt’s government as ‘terrorist,’ was not consulted and only learned about the
proposal through the media. But, of course, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu
welcomed the Egyptian proposal; Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas,
a main rival of Hamas, and a strong opponent of armed resistance (and arguably,
any form of Palestinian resistance, really) welcomed the ‘brotherly’ Egyptian
gesture; other Arab rulers rushed to commend Egypt’s Abdul Fatah al-Sisi for
his astute regional leadership.
Of course, the whole exercise was a
farce, meant to eventually blame Hamas and the resistance in Gaza for refusing
an end to the conflict (which they didn’t start and were its ultimate victim),
and to prop up Sisi as the new icon of peace and moderation in the region; the
kind of ‘strong man’ with whom the United States government liked to do
It all failed, of course, for one
single reason, the Gaza resistance held its ground, costing Israel serious
military losses, and igniting worldwide sympathy and respect.
But no respect came from traditional
Arab governments, of course, including those who praise the legendary ‘sumoud’
- steadfastness - of the Palestinian people at every opportunity, speech and
sermon. The renewed success of Hamas, which arguably had been fading away into
oblivion after the overthrow of Egypt’s brotherhood, and the severing of ties
with Damascus and Tehran, was puzzling, and immensely frustrating to these
If Hamas survives the Gaza battle,
the resistance will promote its endurance before the Middle East’s supposedly
strongest army as a victory. Netanyahu will suffer dire consequences at home.
Ties between Hamas and Iran could be renewed. The ‘resistance camp’ could once
more rekindle. The moral victory for the Brotherhood and the moral defeat of
Sisi (and his prospected regional role) would be astounding.
An alliance of sorts was founded
between several Arab countries and Israel to ensure the demise of the
resistance in Gaza - not just the resistance as an idea, and its practical
expressions, but also its political manifestations as well, which are felt far
and beyond the confines of Gaza’s besieged borders.
Former Israel lobbyist and current
vice president of the Brookings Institution in Washington, Martin Indyk has an
explanation. “There’s an ‘alignment of interests’ between nations that aren’t
allies, yet have ‘common adversaries’,” Indyk told Bloomberg. “As they see that
the US is less engaged than it was before, it’s natural that they look to each
other - quietly, under the table in most respects - to find a way to help each
Naturally, the latest round of
ceasefire talks in Cairo failed because the party that is hosting the talks
deems the leading Palestinian resistance group Hamas, ‘terrorist’ and would
hate to see a scenario in which Gaza prevails over Israel. If the resistance
demand of ending the siege is met, especially the demand of reactivating the
Gaza seaport and airport, Egypt would be denied a major leverage against Hamas,
the resistance, and the Palestinian people altogether.
And if the resistance wins - as in
holding the Israeli military at bay, and achieving some of its demands - the
political discourse of the Middle East is likely to change altogether, where
the weak will, once again, dare challenge the strong by demanding reforms,
democracy, and threatening resistance as a realistic way to achieve such
Interestingly, the Hamas victory in
the Palestinian Legislative Elections in 2006 had revived the possibility of
political Islam in achieving its goals via the ballot box, which was a
harbinger of the rise of political Islam throughout the region following the
‘Arab Spring.’ Any victory for Palestinian resistance can also be considered
equally as dangerous for those who want to maintain the status quo throughout
the region.
Some Arab rulers continue to declare
their strong support of Palestine and its cause. ‘Operation Protective Edge,’
however, has exposed beyond a doubt that such solidarity is just a mere show of
words; and that, although discretely, some Arabs wish to see Israel crush any
semblance of Palestinian resistance, in Gaza and anywhere else.
Ramzy Baroud is a PhD scholar in People's History
at the University of Exeter. He is the Managing Editor of Middle East Eye.
Baroud is an internationally-syndicated columnist, a media consultant, an
author and the founder of PalestineChronicle.com. His latest book is My Father
Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story (Pluto Press, London). http://www.ramzybaroud.net/
Comments (33)
If you think back to the days of WW1, you would realise how much effort the British spent to keep the Arabs splintered. They destroyed any attempt to unify the masses. What helped them to a great extent is the huge area covered by these people who were scattered over parts of Asia and Africa. Add to that the "tribal" Arab mentality. What was needed was a geographical unifying element.
Do not forget that Uncle Sam took over from Uncle Churchil and destroyed all the dreams of one Arab Nation and in the middle they planted the cancer that is fighting fiercely to destroy any hope of one Arab nation. Hence comes the new clown of Egypt and his likes.
Do not forget that Uncle Sam took over from Uncle Churchil and destroyed all the dreams of one Arab Nation and in the middle they planted the cancer that is fighting fiercely to destroy any hope of one Arab nation. Hence comes the new clown of Egypt and his likes.
Very good article. however, it was Egypt that brokered the ceasefire, and it is based on the one previously offered. this is a victory not for Hamas, but the global community who condemned Israel. We cannot lose sight of the fact that there was another ceasefire in 2008 and another in 2012. Only more people have died, nothing else has changed. We need to take it a step further to achieve any kind of victory - and that is to hold Israel accountable. The UN must officially recognize the Gaza genocide. Please sign the petition to Ban i Moon:
Please join this campaign: https://www.change.org/petitions/ban-ki-moon-ackn...
Please join this campaign: https://www.change.org/petitions/ban-ki-moon-ackn...
all religions [cultic, much anti-human in nature] i sort in politics. religions are mere branches of politics.
so it's the degree or kind of gazan islam influencing politics in gaza that politicians with islamic religion don't approve of, even tho gazans don't cut hands of thieves and some other islamists do.
so, hamas don't appear as extreme as, say, saudis.
so it's the degree or kind of gazan islam influencing politics in gaza that politicians with islamic religion don't approve of, even tho gazans don't cut hands of thieves and some other islamists do.
so, hamas don't appear as extreme as, say, saudis.
Ramzy Baroud always gives us a genuine idea of the situation from real experience and knowledge. Certainly the Arab leaders have been weak on support for Palestinians, but now the need for resistance, not passive acceptance as Fatah is often seen to give, can be recognised by us all. I hope progress can be made in getting Israel to try some cooperation and realisation that Palestinians are human.
September, 2013
Jewish Al-Sisi Runs Egypt; Now an Israeli-Occupied Territory
"Since the coup, Israel has been lavishing praise, money, and support on al-Sisi. Mossad agent al-Sisi has virtually declared war on Palestine by going all-out to close the Gaza border tunnels that keep the people of Gaza alive. Meanwhile, al-Sisi has taken billions of dollars from the Rothschild puppets and likely donmeh crypto-Jews who call themselves the “House of Saud.”
Jewish Al-Sisi Runs Egypt; Now an Israeli-Occupied Territory
"Since the coup, Israel has been lavishing praise, money, and support on al-Sisi. Mossad agent al-Sisi has virtually declared war on Palestine by going all-out to close the Gaza border tunnels that keep the people of Gaza alive. Meanwhile, al-Sisi has taken billions of dollars from the Rothschild puppets and likely donmeh crypto-Jews who call themselves the “House of Saud.”
It seems clear from all of the above and the "Arab Spring" becoming a winter of discontent that the majority of "Arab Leaders" are really Zionist puppets and shills of the West. The hegemony of the West is really a hegemony of the Rothschilds and their Zio9nist ilk. The ME is tribal by nature and thus easily divided and made to fight against itself. What a wonderful gift it has given the Western corporate world. Divided they fall and ignorance keeps them divided with virtually no hope of uniting in the near, or even near distant, future. All of Africa and the ME, with the possible exception of Iran and S. Africa, is F-----d and will remain so. Even if BRICA manages to gain some sway over portions of these nations, they, BRICA, will use them as "we" have done and strip them of their resources until they are a barren wasteland. Help is not on the way. Abandon hope ye who enter here.
Except for a very tiny lunatic fringe of anti-semites pretty much everyone in the world these days supports Israel: Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Arabs, men, women, pretty much everyone. There simply is no way for even an extremist Arab Muslim to justify the Palestinians continuing their attempt to ethnically cleanse the mideast of Jews. The anti-semites will deny it of course, but criticism of Israel is widely and almost universally seen as anti-semitism and nazism, and no one wants a revival of nazism. That's why not a single nation has attempted to break the blockade of Gaza, which is also strongly supported by Arab Muslims, and why not a single nation has signed on to the anti-semites BDS campaign.
It's really a sign of how disconnected the anti-semites have become from reality that rather than see the utter lack of support from other Arabs and other Muslims as indicative that no one supports the Palestinian warmongering they twist things and portray it as abandonment. But sooner or later the Palestinians are going to have to acknowledge that they have been defeated, that they are seen as global pariahs, and that unless they make significant changes in their attitudes, accept full responsibility for their war, and learn to live in peace not only with Jews but with everyone else, they will continue to be isolated. It's time they gave up and returned home. At this point it's the only alternative.
It's really a sign of how disconnected the anti-semites have become from reality that rather than see the utter lack of support from other Arabs and other Muslims as indicative that no one supports the Palestinian warmongering they twist things and portray it as abandonment. But sooner or later the Palestinians are going to have to acknowledge that they have been defeated, that they are seen as global pariahs, and that unless they make significant changes in their attitudes, accept full responsibility for their war, and learn to live in peace not only with Jews but with everyone else, they will continue to be isolated. It's time they gave up and returned home. At this point it's the only alternative.
Having been in some in depth discussions about the now well tarnished wings of the Arab Spring , many of them with Arab thinkers, this article rings so true about the confusion surrounding todays circumstances from Timbuktu to Beirut, from Tehran to Amman.
Believe it or not what stands as the conflict of this modern age in terms of Arab identity politics began with what many pundits ten years back yearned for as the Woodstock moment when Arab people organized their own governments via election campaigns and protestant non violent street actions. The seventies revisited was what we discussed, what occurred in at least Tahrir square is what we wanted what hey wanted, it got ruined by Stratfor, WINEP, zionism, capitalism and femenism from all points surrounding this beautiful display of human greatness begun in Tunisia reverberating through the street veins of so many nations, Bahrain one of the most macabre with Saudis pummeling the streets in fear of losing their grip for the US on fifth fleet HQ Navy. With the EU and US UK and NATO's intel assets HELPS, all seems lost, Israel the instigator of a veritable plethora of destabilization campaigns through the above mentioned proxy blow hards for eretzion everything.
Control of revolts is what the CIA, Mossad, Bandar and others did, do and may ever do for their living, their way of life, which indeed billions of human beings now hate them for, rightfully so.
Confusion sewing amongst people trying to get their shit together is evil, little more need be said of the thousands of pronouncements of the US and allies "protecting their interests" which meant bombing peoples lives out of existance to take over their resources and precious little else, Repulsive is the word for swarmy meddlers whom cant stand to see Palestine emerge from under the gutlessly moronic and savage occupation orchestrated from hedge funds, Jewish zionist groups of every possible ilk and of course "friends of Israel, the most idiotic popularity contest ever held on this planet which taught paid and encouraged people to let others think for them basically after convincing them that they were too stupid to think for themselves.
The history of this epic hard core divide and conquer schematic makes me start to regurgitate so I wont regale anyone with my now vivid memory banks filled with images so grief striking that suicide is my last thought after contemplation. The litany of utterly disgusting excuse making for disruption of now billions of human mostly Arab lives is a fetid swamp of bullshit so deep it staggers the intelligent mind when reviewing to a coma like lobotomy state of mind, staring into the floor is where i am right now, head in hand stomach ready to empty, yes it has been that ugly!
Believe it or not what stands as the conflict of this modern age in terms of Arab identity politics began with what many pundits ten years back yearned for as the Woodstock moment when Arab people organized their own governments via election campaigns and protestant non violent street actions. The seventies revisited was what we discussed, what occurred in at least Tahrir square is what we wanted what hey wanted, it got ruined by Stratfor, WINEP, zionism, capitalism and femenism from all points surrounding this beautiful display of human greatness begun in Tunisia reverberating through the street veins of so many nations, Bahrain one of the most macabre with Saudis pummeling the streets in fear of losing their grip for the US on fifth fleet HQ Navy. With the EU and US UK and NATO's intel assets HELPS, all seems lost, Israel the instigator of a veritable plethora of destabilization campaigns through the above mentioned proxy blow hards for eretzion everything.
Control of revolts is what the CIA, Mossad, Bandar and others did, do and may ever do for their living, their way of life, which indeed billions of human beings now hate them for, rightfully so.
Confusion sewing amongst people trying to get their shit together is evil, little more need be said of the thousands of pronouncements of the US and allies "protecting their interests" which meant bombing peoples lives out of existance to take over their resources and precious little else, Repulsive is the word for swarmy meddlers whom cant stand to see Palestine emerge from under the gutlessly moronic and savage occupation orchestrated from hedge funds, Jewish zionist groups of every possible ilk and of course "friends of Israel, the most idiotic popularity contest ever held on this planet which taught paid and encouraged people to let others think for them basically after convincing them that they were too stupid to think for themselves.
The history of this epic hard core divide and conquer schematic makes me start to regurgitate so I wont regale anyone with my now vivid memory banks filled with images so grief striking that suicide is my last thought after contemplation. The litany of utterly disgusting excuse making for disruption of now billions of human mostly Arab lives is a fetid swamp of bullshit so deep it staggers the intelligent mind when reviewing to a coma like lobotomy state of mind, staring into the floor is where i am right now, head in hand stomach ready to empty, yes it has been that ugly!
Ramzy Baroud: "The danger of political Islamic movements that don’t adhere to an extremist ideology like that of the Islamic State (IS) and al-Qaeda, for example, is that they are not easy to dismiss as ‘extremists,’ ‘terrorists’, and such."
WHAT???!!!... "...an extremist ideology like that of the Islamic State (IS) and al-Qaeda"??? What a crap. These so-called IS "extremist Jihadis" will NOT attack Zionist Israel, the Mortal Enemy of Islam. WHY NOT? Because Islamic State is a MOSSAD outfit, just like al-Qaeda is CIA.
Islamic State is all part of The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3...
and Eretz Israel: http://www.ahavat-israel.com/eretz/future Israel's Balkanisation of the Middle East to then create their sick dream of Eretz Israel.
I cannot believe that Ramzy Baroud doesn't know that Islamic State is a Mossad operation. He has no integrity and credibility.
Ramzy Baroud's article was taken, not mentioned at the beginning of the article, from Justin Raimondo's Antiwar.com. Raimondo is a left gatekeeper and not to be trusted. His utterances on 9/11 is a clear giveaway. 9/11 was also a Mossad operation: Dr Alan Sabrosky: Israel behind 9/11:http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/07/17/dr-a...
Israel DID 9/11 (Israeli Mossad) Dr. Alan Sabrosky:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT1AzrKuEtM
Justin Raimondo Wants 9/11 Truth, Yet He Insults 9/11 Truthers:
"Then, without even taking a breath, he turns right around and smears everyone who -- after studying the vast amount of scientific and common-sense evidence -- believes the buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition (as part of an inside job) and that no plane hit the Pentagon." http://911blogger.com/news/2009-09-14/justin-raim...
Always remember that 9/11 is the benchmark of someone's integrity and credibility.
WHAT???!!!... "...an extremist ideology like that of the Islamic State (IS) and al-Qaeda"??? What a crap. These so-called IS "extremist Jihadis" will NOT attack Zionist Israel, the Mortal Enemy of Islam. WHY NOT? Because Islamic State is a MOSSAD outfit, just like al-Qaeda is CIA.
Islamic State is all part of The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3...
and Eretz Israel: http://www.ahavat-israel.com/eretz/future Israel's Balkanisation of the Middle East to then create their sick dream of Eretz Israel.
I cannot believe that Ramzy Baroud doesn't know that Islamic State is a Mossad operation. He has no integrity and credibility.
Ramzy Baroud's article was taken, not mentioned at the beginning of the article, from Justin Raimondo's Antiwar.com. Raimondo is a left gatekeeper and not to be trusted. His utterances on 9/11 is a clear giveaway. 9/11 was also a Mossad operation: Dr Alan Sabrosky: Israel behind 9/11:http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/07/17/dr-a...
Israel DID 9/11 (Israeli Mossad) Dr. Alan Sabrosky:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT1AzrKuEtM
Justin Raimondo Wants 9/11 Truth, Yet He Insults 9/11 Truthers:
"Then, without even taking a breath, he turns right around and smears everyone who -- after studying the vast amount of scientific and common-sense evidence -- believes the buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition (as part of an inside job) and that no plane hit the Pentagon." http://911blogger.com/news/2009-09-14/justin-raim...
Always remember that 9/11 is the benchmark of someone's integrity and credibility.
A hidden reason for Gaza attack by Ireal/US imperialism is to strengthen Hamas so to keep Palestinians divided - a central strategy of imperialisms especially British imperialism to help them rule.
They have destroyed unified secular states( Libya. Iraq, Syria) a
and encouraged religious divisions across the Middle East so as to be able to steal resources. Israel's function is to intervene to achieve this aim. Israel is simply a branch/arm of US imperialism not an independent country
They have destroyed unified secular states( Libya. Iraq, Syria) a
and encouraged religious divisions across the Middle East so as to be able to steal resources. Israel's function is to intervene to achieve this aim. Israel is simply a branch/arm of US imperialism not an independent country
It used to be that Arab leaders in the ME felt some measure of fear of their people or responsibility towards them and Arab solidarity, Pan-Arab Nationalism etc. However most of the leaders there now only feel obligation to Washington for their continued position as autarch/tyrant/king/whatever - that is the message of the Arab Spring, Washington can remove any of them it wishes something their own people (eg Bahrain attempt, Morsi coup) cannot do.
The lesson was learned so the Arab tyrants are learning to take feed only from the FUKUS zionist hand now and no longer feel they have to have solidarity with Arab populations like the Palestinians. The region has been almost completely colonised now in the Governor way (controlling the elite to control the country as opposed to settler colonisation), the Arab Spring was about counter revolution and Arab enslavement.
The lesson was learned so the Arab tyrants are learning to take feed only from the FUKUS zionist hand now and no longer feel they have to have solidarity with Arab populations like the Palestinians. The region has been almost completely colonised now in the Governor way (controlling the elite to control the country as opposed to settler colonisation), the Arab Spring was about counter revolution and Arab enslavement.