Hunger Strike at JWA إضراب عن الطعام في رابطة الكتاب

إليكم مقالتي التي أعجب بها ثوماس فريدمان وأخفى اعجابه بها 11 سنة قبل أن يعترف أنها كانت على صواب بتاريخ 24 آذار الماضي وما زلت أدفع ثمن شجاعتها مرة بإغراق منزلي وتارة بإخلائه تعسفيا بقوة البوليس وثالثة بتفقيدي الوظيفة ...كم من حكومة تغيرت قبل 11 سنة وما زلت صامدا ؟؟ أهلا وسهلا بالحكومة الجديدة غير المنتخبة أيضا ..لكن فريدمان يعترف أن الشعوب العربية لا تقرأ بل لا تقرأ جيدا أيضا عندما تقرأ
The Social Dimensions Ignored In Peace Treaties
By Tayseer Nazmi
It seems that both, the "Arab client regimes," who are still exploiting the refugees' camps for more than 57 years, and Israel, (the main cause of their plight but not all their sufferings), are in harmony while approaching the question of their right in return to their homeland, or through putting the UN's resolution 194 to judgment after more than half a century. The mutual interest of both is keeping all factions far away from the refugees' realities. On the political stage, by making peace treaties or finding final status solutions, the refugees' resulting social destruction is neglected in favor of the priority of the refugees’ national question. Some Arab regimes, including PA, are waiting the camps to milk compensations before bearing the responsibility of their deteriorating circumstances on their lands where the refugees were deprived of even the human equality, not to mention citizenship or political rights. Through 57 years the refugees were referred to as Palestinians; who are waiting the same regimes to solve their problems and in most cases they are just hosted by the generous hospitality of such regimes in fear that they will forget their problem with Israel or their main homeland and origin.  Actually, discrimination is practiced against them moreover than 57 years; through which the Palestinians participated in building the main skeleton of such countries in many modern institutions like; education, medicine, economy and even the modern media and trade. But were feared from holding high posts according to the prevailing formula of exploitation and discrimination, propaganda and depression, claiming and frustration of their issue (the Palestinian question). Even big-mouthed Arab regimes apply the united border's treatment to them unless they bear their passports that easily indicate their real origin. Didn't most of the Arab regimes participate in their horrible social deterioration to some or far extent? While in Israel their labor power is exploited in building new settlements on the same land their fathers or grandfathers dreamed of and were deprived from. Didn't they supply the PA (P.L.O. formerly) with the sole legitimate right to die in favor of high post ranking leadership, leaving them behind as widows and orphans? Had they the minimum freedom wherever they are displaced to express their own self-determination? Nobody or veteran politician could expect what they really want to decide in priority to solve their persistent daily problems, difficulties, and sufferings. We are not so dogmatic to claim that many generations of them who didn't see an Israeli face to face on the ground and were born far away from Java and Haifa, are dreaming 24 hours of destroying Israel or even killing a human being who remains an imaginative enemy and has nothing to do with the refugees' urgent and persisting sufferings. So, it is not a matter of priority to speak to them about the resolution 194 and 242, or even what is Yaser ,Abbas or Yaser Abed-Rabbu doing in the White house. The 57 years passed to make them quite familiar with so many deceptions and leadership's betrayal and even blatant lies. The cause of this inhuman desperation is a social degree of famine, unemployment, discrimination and injustice; not offered only by Israel 's morality or the white house's presidency more than their clients .To such a question no one seems to be enough honest, brave and frank just to refer to realities on the ground, not only through media or political platforms. Even the former Palestinian Communist Party high ranked members (now part of PA), after modifying its agenda and changing itself to the Peoples' Party, did not pay attention to its main deservable function and tasks to those down to the ground left behind agonized and displaced demographically and socially in the (hosting) Arab countries. And neither want to speak clear of their fate, the nearest future of tomorrows fate, whether compensations, absorption and resettlement are approaching their misery or a near return to a Palestinian State , whatever its shape, would be. Since it is quite understood that a dream of restoring the past is a self-deception played on the Palestinian refugees quite enough 57 years of the; next month, next year or even the next century! To get this perceived reality, we don't need to read Amos Oz's article in the New York Times (Jan.6th.2001). Nor do we need to restudy the Clinton's proposals for peace in the ( Middle East ). Because it is simply clear that the social peace is not and never was imposed by the leading classes, whether in America or in any peace treaties that neglect intentionally the social dimensions, reflections, and the harmful outcome of their implementation, if so far reached. On such basis of understanding we can share even the Israeli morality of self recognition .For those refugees, (if accepted to return to reunify) are not supposed to dispute with all the Israelis when they see face to face their social partners in misery and displacement.
Over to Arab clients and corruption, what so ever their names are

مدير عام حركة إبداع لحظة بث خبر قبول استقالة حكومة عون الخصاونة
من اليمين : تيسير نظمي و أسامة عكنان و فاتن أبو الهيجاء

بعض المتضامنين مع الأسرى :من اليمين روان هديب - خليل جابر - سامر القاسم - محمد بني ملحم وفاتن أبو الهيجاء
Tayseer Nazmi - Samer Alqasem-Khalil Jaber and Rawan Hdaib

Originality Movement head manager Tayseer Nazmi in a hunger strike at JWA solidarity with prisoners of freedom on April on April 26th. 2012

تيسير نظمي ، منصور مراد ، موفق محادين

The Fatal Poem that ever been written by Tayseer Nazmi ( Die As You Are Smartly Die(
* تيسير نظمي

لا تقصص رؤياك على أحد
زمن الأنبياء مضى
والحب قضى
والرؤى الجميلة
مضت أيضاً وانتهت والزمان صار عليلاً
لا تقصص رؤياك على أحد
سواء لم تكن قاتلا وسواء كنت قتيلا
هذه بلاد من البلادة خلقت
والعقول صحراوية جبلت
لا شتاء قارسا يلسعها ولا صيفا طويلا
شره ذاك المقال
وقزم تبدى دون هالته القاتل والمقاتل والقتال
لا راجمة طوع يديك تقصفه الناشل والنشال
ولا طيرا أبابيل تدك العقار دكا في عصرنا الدجال
فمت كما أنت اليوم عليلا فلن يغنيك أو يفنيك بدل المقال
مت كما أنت ولا تقصص رؤياك على أحد
مت كما أنت مثقلا بالكمد
ومت مرة أخرى
فلا لحد
ولا أحد
واليوم سبت وغدا سبت
وبعد غد
تأتيك العمولات من كل حدب وصوب
لو كنت ميتا
وتأتيك الأغاني
لم تعد كاتبا أو شاعرا في زمن الدولار والغواني
العهر المحلى في كتب ويافطات والفُجر المرصع بالمعاني
مت سريعا كي ترتاح أرصدتهم هبوطا أو صعودا
أنت سهم فقط في مشروعهم مهما تعاني
اليوم عمر وغدا خمر
واليوم مواطن بأمر
وغدا طريدا
وفي بطاقة أحوال أنت الهوية وبك الجمر
مت كما أنت
أتممت عليهم دعوتك في عمان
وقلت كل ما يمكن أن يقال
فهربوا وولوا الأدبار: التجار والفجار والشطار
مت سريعا على مرأى بيوتهم وقصورهم العمار
ولا تقصص عليهم ما رأيت
ولا تقل تماما لماذا بكيت
دمار قادم وعلى رؤوسهم كل عروش الطغاة
رويدا رويدا
مت الآن ودونك اعصار يتلوه إعصار
* قاص ومترجم
تيسير نظمي - موفق محادين - مؤيد العتيلي

تيسير نظمي - ابراهيم الضمور - هيثم هلسه - أسامة عكنان

الناشط عبدالله محادين - الكاتب تيسير نظمي - الناشط ابراهيم الجمزاوي


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

نص قصيدة عماد الدين نسيمي كاملا حسب أغنية سامي يوسف

من اهم الكتب الممنوعه في الاردن: جذور الوصاية الأردنية وجميع كتب وترجمات تيسير نظمي

Tayseer Nazmi Ended 2022 As A Poet In Afkar 405 تيسير نظمي ينهي عام 2022 في أفكار 405 شاعرا